We currently provide a recreational athletic program for baseball, softball, and soccer.

Playground, lighted walking trail, picnic shelter, amphitheater, and a 4,400 sq. foot Community Center.

Community Events
The Community Center sponsors many events throughout the year. Join us for the next one!
Welcome to the official website of the Archer Lodge Community Center. Archer Lodge is a small town between Clayton and Wendell in Johnston County, North Carolina. Everyone here truly calls this place “The Best Corner of the World”. Click here to learn more about the history of Archer Lodge on the Town’s history page.
The purpose of this site is to provide the community with a central location to find information about the Archer Lodge Community Center. This community is growing rapidly as new housing developments take shape and new families call Archer Lodge home. If you are a new comer to the community, we hope you will find this site useful in understanding what the Community Center has to offer.
This site is made possible by the residents of Archer Lodge. The community has a monthly meeting on the 4th Monday of every month, except December, in the Community Center. Feel free to join us and learn more about how you can contribute to the Community Center and to the quality of life in Archer Lodge.
The Archer Lodge Community Center relies on volunteers, donations, and fundraisers to operate as a non-profit organization. The community also qualifies for grants provided by the county. Please visit the Johnston County website to learn more about Johnston County, NC.
Latest News
Town of Archer Lodge: 2023 Summer Coed Adult Kickball
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Town of Archer Lodge: Youth Softball Clinic
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Archer Lodge Parks & Rec: Babysitting 101 Course
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