Monthly & Annual Events

Monthly Community Meetings
Every month (except December) we hold a Community Meeting. Everyone is invited. It is a good time to get to know people in the community. We discuss and plan upcoming events. The meetings are held on the fourth Monday. We start at 6:30 pm with a meal and the meeting begins around 7:00 pm.

New Year’s Brunch
Archer Lodge kicks off each year with a brunch at the Archer Lodge Community Center. The Board of Directors provides the basics of any good brunch and community members bring their favorite dish to share. Please plan to join us and start your new year off with good, old fashioned fellowship.

Reverse Raffle
This event puts the FUN in fundraiser. It is an awesome night of fellowship, good food, and winning money. It was started in 2003 as a senior project by life long resident Jenna Castleberry Payton. The grand prize is $10,000!!! When you buy a ticket you get a chance to win the grand prize as well as two plates for dinner. The reverse raffle is held annually in February so be sure to get your ticket this year and come be a part of a really fun night.

Little Miss Archer Lodge Pageant
This is a hometown pageant in which rising 1st grade-rising 4th grade little girls can participate. It is held in conjunction with the Archer Lodge 4th of July Family Fun Day. Participating in the pageant requires two weeks of learning and practicing dances, interviewing, and so much more fun to prepare for the big day. If your little girl would like to participate in the pageant for the chance to be crowned Little Miss Archer Lodge please keep an eye on the ALCC website for the registration times or follow the pageant on Facebook. The pageant is typically held the Friday before the Family Fun Day.
Archer Lodge Family Fun Day
The “Family Fun Day” at Archer Lodge is just what the name implies – good old-fashioned family fun. We come together each year to celebrate the 4th with lots of entertainment and of course a great fireworks show.
Our festivities on Family Fun Day kick off at 5:30 with a parade followed by a food truck rodeo in the Community Center parking lot. Live music, vendors, and face painting will also be there to enjoy and at “dark thirty” we will light up the sky with the best firework show around. Gather your family and friends and come celebrate our great country at the best corner of the world.

Pumpkin Carving
Each year White Oak Baptist Church and the Archer Lodge Community Center team up to create a great time for all families. You can bring a pumpkin to the ALCC pavilion to carve with your families and enjoy some delicious homemade soup.

Christmas Celebration
This is a fun filled afternoon that begins with an exciting parade and followed by many fun activities at the Archer Lodge Community Center. Children get to talk to and take pictures with Santa, make reindeer food, go sledding, and have some delicious cookies and hot chocolate. Please plan to come start your Christmas season with us.
MONTHLY & Annual Events

Monthly Community Meetings
Every month (except December) we hold a Community Meeting. Everyone is invited. It is a good time to get to know people in the community. We discuss and plan upcoming events. The meetings are held on the fourth Monday. We start at 6:30 pm with a meal and the meeting begins around 7:00 pm.

New Year’s Brunch
Archer Lodge kicks off each year with a brunch at the Archer Lodge Community Center. The Board of Directors provides the basics of any good brunch and community members bring their favorite dish to share. Please plan to join us and start your new year off with good, old fashioned fellowship.

Reverse Raffle
This event puts the FUN in fundraiser. It is an awesome night of fellowship, good food, and winning money. It was started in 2003 as a senior project by life long resident Jenna Castleberry Payton. The grand prize is $10,000!!! When you buy a ticket you get a chance to win the grand prize as well as two plates for dinner. The reverse raffle is held annually in February so be sure to get your ticket this year and come be a part of a really fun night.

Little Miss Archer Lodge Pageant
This is a hometown pageant in which rising 1st grade-rising 4th grade little girls can participate. It is held in conjunction with the Archer Lodge 4th of July Family Fun Day. Participating in the pageant requires two weeks of learning and practicing dances, interviewing, and so much more fun to prepare for the big day. If your little girl would like to participate in the pageant for the chance to be crowned Little Miss Archer Lodge please keep an eye on the ALCC website for the registration times or follow the pageant on Facebook. The pageant is typically held the Friday before the Family Fun Day.

Archer Lodge Family Fun Day
The “Family Fun Day” at Archer Lodge is just what the name implies – good old-fashioned family fun. We come together each year to celebrate the 4th with lots of entertainment and of course a great fireworks show.
Our festivities on Family Fun Day kick off at 5:30 with a parade followed by a food truck rodeo in the Community Center parking lot. Live music, vendors, and face painting will also be there to enjoy and at “dark thirty” we will light up the sky with the best firework show around. Gather your family and friends and come celebrate our great country at the best corner of the world.

Pumpkin Carving
Each year White Oak Baptist Church and the Archer Lodge Community Center team up to create a great time for all families. You can bring a pumpkin to the ALCC pavilion to carve with your families and enjoy some delicious homemade soup.

Christmas Celebration
This is a fun filled afternoon that begins with an exciting parade and followed by many fun activities at the Archer Lodge Community Center. Children get to talk to and take pictures with Santa, make reindeer food, go sledding, and have some delicious cookies and hot chocolate. Please plan to come start your Christmas season with us.